About Hillary Schneider

From a young age I had thoughts about purpose, a curiosity of why I was on this earth and what I was meant to do.

I remember asking the question of what is my purpose, and I feel like horses showed up in my life shortly after that.

I didn’t grow up with horses, but they found their way with me and when I was with them, I felt what I can only describe as a remembering, I knew who I was when I was with horses, beyond what my physical self was.  I felt closest to my understanding of my spirit.

Over the years I have followed the call with horses to create our retreat ranch, Epona Rise Retreat Center which I have been running now for 9 years.

In 2012 I followed the seed of bravery of the vision of having a retreat center and developing my programs with the horses, knowing that I wanted to bring their teachings into the lives of others.

Woman Standing with Paint Horse
gold owl feather drawing
Woman on ground with horse

We expanded that vision to follow the wisdom that our own personal medicine needed to be felt alongside of the horses and birthed our “online” portal and spaces of mentoring other women on their path of purpose alongside of the space we hold with the horses.

Since 2012 we have devoted ourselves to nurturing our vision of purpose, and growing what has felt like what we have been called to cultivate in the world.

We have walked the journey with thousands of women who are on that path of curiosity of purpose, of wanting not just to know their medicine but how to cultivate it, and supporting their path with the guidance and wisdom of horses as our medium to bring teachings into the world.

Currently we run our 80 acre retreat ranch in mountains of British Columbia,  with our herd of 28 wise equine teachers,  alongside of running our retreats each year, we also support our growing community in the online spaces, the wisdom school being another extension of bringing this wisdom of the horses into the world.

We are the founder of Epona Rise Retreat Center, Horse Medicine Leadership Academy, and now Epona Rise Wisdom School.

woman in white cloak and horse running

Taurus Sun, Leo Moon, Virgo Rising and Manifesting Generator

In our personal walkings of life, I am mother of a two-year old daughter, a wife, a friend, a mentor, eldest of four daughters, a lover of nature and of course a woman who walks alongside horses and their teachings.

I believe deeply in the wisdom and medicine of women and empowering women on their unique path of claiming what that is in their lifetime,  I bring the teachings and wisdom of horses as my medium alongside of my experience of walking this earth and birthing and devoting myself to this path of growth and purpose.

Woman Standing by Three Horses
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