two dark horses standing

An invitation into mastery in how we tend and hold to our sacred purpose.


Woman connecting with dark horse

Dear Sacred Woman,

If you find yourself here, it is because you are in a space of yearning to know how to hold your gifts and your service more masterfully.

There is a calling to meet a teacher that can tend to your own energy and show you a way of holding space for others and purpose that also feels deeply fulfilling to you.

You recognize that you have deep wisdom and medicine to share, and the way you are holding it is feeling like it is no longer in service to you. 

You feel unclear about how to move and evolve your gifts and your practice and question if you still feel called to hold the space of what you do.

To be invited into Indra’s Path is an invitation of initiation into mastery of self and our mastery of purpose.

It is a space of deep reclaiming of our gifts, of being held and called forth in the space of integrity of how we hold our energy and the energy of our containers, and to be witnessed in the mastery that already exists within us.

Here is what I want you to hear and to know.

Your gifts, your medicine and you are an essential gift to the world and those that come into contact with you.

Who you be in the world is worthy of being held as sacredly as those you tend to.

You are already a master at what you do, you simply need to be reawakened to that truth and to hold it deeply.

There are those that are and will continue to be deeply impacted by who you be in the world and the spaces that you hold for those that are called to them.

Meeting Indra

Mother kneeling beneath dark horse

To meet Indra is to meet mastery, to be in relationship with a being that embodies what purpose, mentorship and being a teacher and holder of sacred space manifests as.

Indra is a master at his purpose and is a great teacher for those that are wanting to learn how to be in devotion to their invitation of mastery of how they show up in what they hold space for in the world.

Indra is my first horse, the one that has taught me more than any other horse in my herd, especially around what it means to hold sacred space, to be the enforcer of the containers I hold and to walk the path of mentor and teacher in a way that feels honoring both to myself and those that come into my circle.

When we are gathered in the space of teachings with the horses, we get the opportunity to experience a teaching that is beyond the human dysfunction and baggage so we can find a frequency and a model to embody that is absent of the human agenda and wounding that we carry.

This container was created not just in partnership with Indra but our herd and what they have taught us over the years of how to create space for other, retreats, know how to hold pristine boundaries in our work and step into aspects of our leadership that felt often deeply uncomfortable.

In the space of space holding, mentorship and teaching, they have given me a landing space of how to show up here without carrying the wounding that often comes along with the responsibility of tending to other.   There are many conversations I have had with women over the years who were ready to walk away from their work because of how wounded they felt in it.

Here is the heart of this space.

Your medicine is a gift to those that are seeking it out.

You are responsible to tend to and cultivate your medicine and allow it to be felt in the world.

Being a holder of medicine for other doesn’t mean that we sacrifice our own fulfillment and balance, we are meant to receive from our work as deeply as we give.

Here is an invitation in this space to be impeccable with our energy, how we use it, how we create with it and how we form it to guide others.

If You Are Drawn to this Path…

Women gathered in herd of horses
  • You identify and know that you are a space holder, a healer, a mentor and a teacher, and realize that the way you are holding space and leading is not serving yourself or others right now.

  • You are feeling reactive, depleted and resentful of your work, or on the brink of flirting with this space and you are looking for another way to hold your sacred service.

  • You feel wobbly in your boundaries both with yourself and how you create space for others, leaky energy and feeling unclear of how to tend to this space is something that you are navigating with.

  • You are questioning whether it is worth it to stay in your current path, because of some wounding you have and where you have lost a sense of purpose in fulfillment in your work.

  • You are seeking to be shown away that is absent of human agenda, ego and wounding, to find a frequency of showing up in your gifts in a way that feels of service to yourself and others.

  • You feel a deep resonance to Indra’s energy and intention of this space and where it is calling to you.

The Program

    • Self leadership and Rituals:  how we lead ourselves and create rituals that hones our own relationship with our energy and inner being.

    • Internal Boundaries: how to cultivate them and know how to hold them.

    • The Four Lens: knowing how we tend to our physical, emotional, spiritual and mental lens, this wisdom is rooted in knowing our physiology, neuroscience and how we hold and interpret the lens in which we see ourselves and life.

    • The Wounded Healer Archetype (can also be the wounded mentor, teacher and woman however we feel drawn to his space) : tending to and claiming our ownership of the wisdom we bring forward to others and our wounding around that space.

    • Purpose: what is our personal purpose and what is the purpose of the gifts we hold in this lifetime?

    • Medicine:  knowing what our personal medicine is and how to tend to that in ourselves and others.

    • Containers: how to create and cultivate our spaces of purpose that feel deeply aligned and connected to what we feel called to hold in this lifetime.

    • Collective:  who is the collective that we are called to hold space for, and how do we deepen our connection to who our collective is.

  • In this module we are looking at how we show up and cultivate spaces for those that we are holding in our containers.

    • Creating Sacred Containers:  how do we create and cultivate a sacred container for other.

    • Mastering our External Boundaries: this relates to how we create boundaries around our interaction with others and also tend to that in collective spaces with others.

    • Healing our Relationship with our Money and how we hold the exchange of our work.

    • The Art of Space Holding:  How we create and hold space for others.

    • Reading the Space: How to be in tune with the energy and intelligence of the space of a client and container as a guide for us.

    • Leadership Range and Mastery:  developing our ownership of our unique space of leadership and presence and the range of who we need to be as masterful facilitators and space holders.

    • Honing our Intuition:  deepening our muscle and wisdom of our intuition and the intuitive urges we receive when we are tending to and holding space for a client.

    • Deep Listening:  understanding the different places we listen from and knowing how to be in a space of deep and expansive listening for our clients.

    • Sourcing Wisdom:  knowing where we can be a receptive vessel for greater source of wisdom, how to cultivate that channel and root into it.

    • Ritual:  how to create and find our  rituals to support ourselves in showing up deeply for other and bringing that space into how we hold our containers.

  • Each week we land in the teachings of the modules as laid out above, the modules are received in both written and audio format, where we will also have a call to deepen the concepts around the teaching.

    There will also be teaching videos with the herd to deepen the concepts and bring the wisdom and energy of the herd into the space with us.

    You will receive practicum and worksheets to support you in landing in the teaching and developing your mastery in what is being taught and held in this container.

    All the content including the mentorship calls are recorded, you will receive lifetime access to the entire course library including any updated content we choose to add to the space.

    Enrolling into this space is a gift to yourself and also those that will be held by you.  When we find our alignment to how we show up where it also serves our energy, our capacity to expand ourselves into the fullness of what we are here to cultivate

    This program offers an open enrolment meaning you can join us at anytime and get access to the teachings and wisdom.

    We will have on-going live teaching calls in this space to deepen with you, once you enrol you get lifetime access not just to the content but also to the on going calls we do to deepen the space with you.

    The practicums are present to help you integrate the wisdom and guide you through the experience where you can really take in what is being shared and apply to what you are cultivating

    When we know our purpose and can claim the deep spaces and expanses of our medicine and what we bring to the world, our confidence in what we cultivate and how we show up is expansive.

    How we hold space is meant to also feel like it is life giving to us,  we should feel a deep resonance to who we serve, and we can find deep mastery in finding and developing our unique wisdom and way of holding space.

    This container a blend and can be navigating as a self paced experience with guiding intention around the content. Because we will be doing on-going calls in this space, you are never behind and can continue to deepen with us as we go along.  All calls are recorded and you also receive a community space to connect and ask questions as you need to.

  • Lifetime access to course library including:

    • Modules: written and audio

    • Teaching Videos

    • Teaching Calls: that will also be recorded.

    • Community space to deepen.

    Indra’s Path will open for enrolment and begin on March 17th 2025

    Current payment is Pilot Pricing, investment will go up in 2026.

    Investment + Payment Options:

    Pay in Full: $1297 CDN 

    4 payments:  $325 CDN

    8 payments: $162 CDN

Who is Indra as a Teacher?

We felt it important to share a bit about who Indra is both in his role and his teachings and how he shows up as a teacher not just to humans but also to the horses in his herd.

Indra in the herd is a horse that is often a mentor to the younger horses, he has a steady, subtle and clear energy that teaches other horses what it means to be a horse in balance. 

We often call Indra the balancer of dysfunction and the keeper of peace.

He holds the role of managing the horses in the herd, he is not lead although he has had his turns as lead in our herd before,  he prefers to be in the space of in the herd, supporting his herd mates and teaching them the ways of being a horse.

Indra is a horse that is subtle and purposeful, he is a master at knowing what pressure is needed to apply,  you often do not see him in his role because he is so subtle with it, and his power lies in that space.

When a horse enters our herd with baggage or dysfunction it is Indra that supports them in finding their way back to themselves where they are balanced.

He corrects dysfunctional behavior and he protects and supports the lead in the herd.

Indra has a clear and purposeful energy,  he is a sword of truth, that has absolutely clear discernment. His wisdom is often it is aligned or it is not, there is no grey area with Indra.

Indra asks us to be self responsible for our impact, if we are in a space where we are not responsible for energy, or our emotions feel very volatile, he will not come into the space with us.

He holds his own boundaries of safety very solidly, teaching us, it is absolutely ok for us to create space around behavior, emotions, and energy that do not feel safe for us.

He asks us to tend to ourselves, that it is not his job to clean up our mess, but rather to invite us into being deeply honest with ourselves, to know what it means to hold responsibility for the state that we are in and know where we are going to cause harm.

He does not coddle,  he calls us forward to meet him in a place of integrity and to know what our responsibility in a space is and how to hold it.

We sometimes need to know how to hold that sword of truth, to ask others to be aware of their impact, to not coddle but also to not abandon.  Indra models this beautifully, and while he tends to his own sacred space and energy, he still shows up as a teacher and mentor, creating space that is safe for him but never abandoning us on the journey.

When we are in the space of tending or teaching we may feel like we have to show up with another regardless of the space that they are in, putting ourselves in harm's way because we cannot ask another to be aware of where they are.

We can teach in a way that honors ourselves, and invites another to know how to honor their own energy and impact and this is Indra’s way.

Indra also taught me that boundaries are internal as much as it is external and that it is my responsibility to hold sacred space for myself within and also in the spaces I hold.

When we are called to Indra’s path, we are being called into mastery, into being forged into balance in our gifts, and to know how to tend to others in a way that is deeply powerful and asks another to understand what it means to be responsible for their own journey while also being in a teaching space with us.

We find our courage to hold our boundaries of sacred spaces of being impeccable with our energy and discernment, and leading from a place of responsiveness and not reactiveness when faced with dysfunction in others.

Indra in his way, helps horses that come into the herd move beyond their baggage from a place of empowerment, he welcomes them into his space, he enjoys the role of mentor and is deeply respected in the herd.

To walk with Indra, you need to know that his space is not one that is held in nurturance of our wounds, but in empowerment of our mastery. He is clear and purposeful, he will hold you in the expectation of your greatest potential and balance and asks you to do the same for others.

He is also a beautiful mirror and example of what it looks like to be in our authentic power and range of it, to find purpose in our place that honors our energy and to know fulfillment of our purpose without the expense of self.

Indra is an important and essential keeper in our herd and those that are touched by his teachings always feel the weight and honor of it.

hillary schneider and indra

Indra Has Been My Own Teacher

Indra came into my life when I was 27 years old,  he was my first horse, a 2 year old partly feral horse that demanded that I own my space with him.

I felt personally rejected by him at first because I imagined my first horse would come when called and run up to me in the field that is not Indra.

His rejection would stir up my feelings of abandonment, rage and I would be stirring in my emotions, he would calmly graze away from me, holding his space until I was able to sort myself out.

In his space he was right, because in the state I was in I was not a safe container for him, and he taught me how to be aware of where I am and to know how to hold my emotions and energy in a way that was safe for others.

He forced me in many ways to own my shit, and to not be blind to what was happening internally, I had to confront much with him but I am better for it.

When I bought our ranch, Indra was my teacher of how to hold impeccable boundaries, of feeling my way through needing to be the one to enforce that in my space.  That it was my job to hold sacred space and if someone was not in an energy that felt aligned to that, that i needed to let them go.

It was his teachings that helped me find that space in me, to be clear about who is allowed in my space and who is not, to own that space of leadership of how I tend to those that are here.  To be in a space to let people go that did not feel good for the space and understand the purpose behind it.

His teachings are what has made me who I am in my spaces today, not just in how I hold my clients but also my relationships.  

I am now the mentor, leader, space holder because of Indra and how he has entrained me and helped me confront my own wounding and places of discomfort so I can hold what I do today.

And now we are able to bring you into the space of this teaching as well.

Woman peaceful sitting in field surrounded by horses

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